
In sum, America is entering a period of great dilemma. On the one hand, Washington has to lighten the burden of globally assumed issues in order to focus on domestic problems, which grow steadily. In this, the United States can by no means avoid “delegating” some international issues to other powerful political actors, thereby broadening the latters’ spheres of influence. On the other hand, maintaining its status as the world’s only superpower remains a top imperative of the U.S.’s foreign policy, which becomes harder given the rising power centers of Eurasia. Under these circumstances, strengthening ties (and even alliance) with Moscow appears to be the most rational choice for Washington. Making Russia an ally and actually “granting” her a role of regional coordinator in the post-Soviet space and Eastern Europe will intensify the old acute geopolitical contradictions between Moscow on the one hand and united Europe and China on the other. Intensification of the rivalry between the mentioned power centers may damage Russia’s further economic association with Brussels and Beijing significantly, which otherwise (if backed with Russia’s natural resources) would soon be capable of challenging America’s monopoly in terms of world economic, political and military domination. In addition, what makes Russia an attractive partner/ally for the United States on the Eurasian continent is mainly (1) its historical experience and capabilities of dealing with the regional issues, as well as (2) its economic and technological backwardness in comparison to Europe and China. The latter guarantees that Moscow will not be capable enough in the foreseeable future to threaten the U.S.’s domination on a global scale, while the former assures that it will cope with the role of stabilizing force in the indicated regions perfectly. From Russia’s perspective, Washington’s non-interference in the sphere of Russia’s “traditional” interests is one of the top priorities of Russia’s foreign policy, which Moscow has striven to achieve since the demise of the USSR. Furthermore, alliance with the United States will grant Russia the status of a balancing force, or center of gravity, on the Eurasian continent-something that matches Russia’s geopolitical ambitions completely.


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