The Board of Trustees includes trades unionists, plutocrats and some familiar neocons such as Joshua Muravchik; Thomas Dine, who was the Executive Director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and was president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; Stuart Appelbaum, a prominent trade unionist; Antonia Cortese, a teacher’s union organizer; Ken Juster, a Partner and Managing Director at Warburg Pincus, formerly in government service; Andrew Nathan, who serves on the Advisory Committee of Human Rights Watch Asia; Richard S Williamson, former ambassador, previously mentioned as a board Member of the International Republican Institute; among others…

Among the regional programs, for the Americas the main targets of Freedom House are Cuba and Venezuela.   “Freedom House seeks to strengthen the capacity of civil society activists in Cuba by providing training and education, material support, and institutional links to counterparts from abroad.”[61] In Venezuela, Freedom House supports what it terms HRDs (Human Rights Defenders),

Providing HRDs with technical assistance, advice and professional tools to monitor, document, and raise awareness on a wide range of human rights topics; Delivering training and support in coalition building and legal strategies in the prosecution of human rights violations; and Facilitating strategic alliances between Venezuelan HRDs, international human rights organizations, and regional networks.[62]

The FU focus in Eastern Europe is based on a front group, The American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus, targeting the region it regards as best for destabilizing Russia and reducing her influence.[63] The other primary area in the destabilization of Russia is in Central Asia, where Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are yet to receive the benefits of “color revolutions.” In Kyrgyzstan, FU has established an opposition press, creating the Media Support Center Foundation.[64]

In Egypt FU strategy is the same as that of other similar organizations in targeting youthful “activists” especially with the use of the new technology.

A new generation of young Egyptian citizens is dedicated to expanding political and civil rights in their country. Referred to as the “YouTube Generation,” many of these courageous men and women are supported by Freedom House to enhance their outreach, advocacy and effectiveness.

Freedom House’s effort to empower a new generation of advocates has yielded tangible results and the New Generation program in Egypt has gained prominence both locally and internationally. Egyptian visiting fellows from all civil society groups received unprecedented attention and recognition, including meetings in Washington with US Secretary of State, the National Security Advisor, and prominent members of Congress. In the words of Condoleezza Rice, the fellows represent the “hope for the future of Egypt.”[65]

FU records that in 2009 “16 Egyptian activists” met US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “at the end of a two-month fellowship organized by Freedom House’s New Generation program.”[66]

The financial sponsorship for FU comes from the same sources as those that provide for IRI and the others: NED, US State Dept., USAID. Other sponsors include Citigroup, Open Society Institute, Dow Jones Foundation, Bank of America…


Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto predicted that capitalism in its last stage would become international or what is today called globalization. He wrote that “the need for a constantly expanding market” would see the “bourgeois” “nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere,” “over the whole surface of the globe.” This was giving a “cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country.”[67] The “world market,” free trade and “uniformity in the mode of production” was diminishing national boundaries[68] So far from deploring this incipient globalization, Marx welcomed it as a stage in the dialectical process that would lead to communism by destroying traditional craft, proletarianizing the former artisans and peasants and eventually even much of the “bourgeois” and paving the way for a global – communist – order. The enemy of this process were the “Reactionists,” whom Marx condemns in part three of The Communist Manifesto as advocating “reactionary socialism,” in opposing the free market globalizing process.[69]

Marx stated in 1847, “the protectionist system today is conservative, whereas the Free Trade system has a destructive effect… precipitating the social revolution. And only in this revolutionary sense do I vote for Free Trade.”[70]

While Marx predicted the globalizing tendency of capitalism, Spengler was a more acute analyst and stated in response to Marxism:

“Capitalism” and “Socialism” are both of an age, intimately related, produced by the same outlook[71] and burdened with the same tendencies. Socialism is nothing but the capitalism of the lower classes. The Manchester Free Trade doctrine of Cobden and the Communist system of Marx were both born in 1840. Marx even welcomed free-trade capitalism.[72]

Marx thought that dialectically capitalism would pave the way to socialism. Rather, it could be contended dialectically that socialism paved the way for international monopoly capitalism, by serving as a transition in destroying tradition-oriented societies. Zbigniew Brzezinksi, speaking for the globalists, suggests as much in his Between Two Ages, writing that Marxism was “a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision,” [73] so this hypothesis does not entirely come from left field.

Marxism became passé and has metamorphosed into sundry forms of other pseudo-revolt, culminating in the present phenomena of the “color revolutions.” Carefully planned for over a decade, the “spontaneous revolts” (sic) have been wreaking havoc on the ex-Soviet bloc states, and lately have put one of the last bastions of tradition, the Arab world, into turmoil, again as part of a dialectical process of capitalism. It remains to be seen whether the “revolution” will backfire on the plutocrats.