WHEN? When did it take place? When did they come to know?

The whole drama on 11th of September started early in the morning when the alleged ’19 hijackers’ boarded their respective planes at around 8 o’clock. Here is the timeline of the incidents based on official sources:

Tuesday, 11th of September, 2001

08:46 – American Airlines Flight 11 is flown into the north tower of the World Trade Centre with a speed of around 800 km/h between the floors 94 and 98 of the 110 storey building. The flight took off from Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts at 07:59 and was bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California.

09:02 – United Airlines Flight 175 is crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Centre with a speed of around 950 km/h between the floors 78 and 84. The flight lifted off from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, at 08:14 and was bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California.

09:37 – American Airlines Flight 77 is flown into the newly refurbished and unoccupied western flank of Pentagon. The aircraft left the runway of Dulles International Airport, about 50 km from Washington D.C. at 08:20 and was bound for LA International Airport in Los Angeles, California.

09:54 – The south tower of WTC collapses after standing the impact of the Flight 175 for 56 minutes and 10 seconds.

10:03 – United Airlines Flight 93 ploughs into the fields in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The Boeing 757 airliner left Newark International Airport in Newark, New Jersey at 08:42 for San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California.

10:28 – The north tower of WTC follows the suit and crumbles after standing the impact of Flight 11 for 1 hour 42 minutes and 5 seconds.

WTC illustration


  • When did President Bush come to know about the hijackings?
  • Did the US air force fighter planes try to intercept the hijacked airliners? If they did so, when did they scramble? If not, why was there a major defense collapse?

WHERE? Where did it take place?

The terrorist attacks took place on the 11th of September, 2001 in World Trade Centre in New York, Pentagon in Virginia and Shanksville in Pennsylvania. The hijackings took place in the busiest airspace on the planet which is the north-eastern corner of the United States of America.

Manhattan in New York, where the attacks took place, is within striking range from Otis Air base which is located in Massachusetts state. There is an Air Defense Intercept Zone just off shore for the entire Atlantic Coast which is constantly patrolled. Some reports suggest US military was involved in war games on the east coast that day.


WHO? Who did it? Who was involved?

This is the most frequently asked question regarding the 9/11 attacks. We all have some idea about the people who were involved in this outrageous act of terrorism. Most of the people believe that 19 hijackers affiliated to al-Qaeda carried out these attacks that claimed the lives of around 3,000 civilians and left thousands of others injured. The economic damage these attacks wrecked stands in billions of dollars. Some people, and I must point out here that this is a substantial minority, believe that these attacks were not carried out single-handedly by al-Qaeda but also had some ‘inside’ support that led to the incidents that took place on 11th of September 2001.

Let’s contrast the official and conspiracy theorist versions of ‘WHO’ was involved in the attacks. First, let’s read an excerpt from the 9/11 Commission Report that highlights the perpetrators of the attacks. On page 2 of the executive summary it says: “This immeasurable pain was inflicted by 19 young Arabs acting at the behest of Islamist extremists headquartered in distant Afghanistan. Some had been in the United States for more than a year, mixing with the rest of the population. Though four had training as pilots, most were not well-educated. Most spoke English poorly, some hardly at all. In groups of four or five, carrying with them only small knives, box cutters, and cans of Mace or pepper spray, they had hijacked the four planes and turned them into deadly guided missiles.”