The raison d’etre for the establishment of the modern Zionist movement is that anti-Semitism is a pervasive and untreatable condition among Gentiles. When anti-Semitism is not overt and violent, it is latent and awaiting the right conditions to manifest as pogroms, according to Zionist dogma. Therefore the only ways Jews can escape this inherent anti-Semitism is by: (1) establishing a Jewish homeland, and (2) by total Jewish commitment to Zionism in whatever part of the world one resides. Zionist dogma further states that assimilation of Jews does not work; that ultimately even assimilated Jews will become victims of Gentile anti-Semitism.


David Ben Gurion declares the establishment of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948.

David Ben Gurion declares the establishment of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948.

The doctrine arose during the latter part of the 19th Century in response to the widespread assimilation of Jews into Gentile society. It was feared by some that assimilation would destroy the Jewish identity. Whereas in past centuries, prior to the “emancipation” wrought by the French Revolution, Jews had been separated by the ghetto, modern society was breaking down the barriers. Jews were becoming “liberal” and “progressive.”

Yet even during the Middle Ages, “Jewish blood was intermingling with Christian blood. Cases of wholesale conversions were exceedingly numerous…,” wrote the prominent French Jewish writer and onetime Zionist, Bernard Lazare.[1] He stated in this regard that “the entire history” of Jewry proves their assimilability; that “the Jew no longer lives apart, but shares in the common life…”[2] And there was the real problem.

Dreyfus Affair – Herzl Aligns with Anti-Semites

It so happens that Lazare wrote his book on anti-Semitism the very year of the “Dreyfus Affair.” At the time, the Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl was in France observing the consequences of the allegation against the French-Jewish officer who was accused of spying for Germany, and which brought France to the verge of civil war. Herzl used the “Affair” as justification for his separatism ideology, claiming that if anti-Semitism could ignite so quickly in a nation as liberal and egalitarian as France, then assimilation was a myth, and anti-Semitism a constant that could not be eradicated. The only option was a return to Jewish separatism, the self-ghettoization of the pre-Emancipation era.

However, it is unlikely that Dreyfus was the real cause of Herzl’s own separatism. If Dreyfus became a cause celebre for French anti-Semites, so it was also for the multitudes of Frenchmen who came to the defense of the Jews, and Dreyfus was ultimately pardoned. The anti-Zionist rabbi Elmer Berger, who founded the American Council for Judaism, wrote of this:

Where in all the world a century before would more than half a nation have come to the defence of a Jew? Had Herzl possessed a knowledge of history, he would have seen in the Dreyfus case a brilliant, heartening proof of the success of emancipation.[3]

Conversely, Herzl aligned himself with the anti-Semites, and found an ally in the leading French anti-Semite and campaigner against Dreyfus, M Drumont.

Herzl, while not the first Zionist, was the first to establish Zionism as an enduring and successful political movement. In response to the Dreyfus Affair he wrote the modern Zionist manifesto, The Jewish State.

Many Jews, including the most influential, had assimilated and were suspicious of any movement that would again make Jews conspicuous as a separate people. The American statesman Henry Morgenthau Sr. for example said: “I refuse to allow myself to be a Zionist. I am an American.” If this assimilationist attitude was to be replaced by a revival of Jewish separatism, anti-Semitism would have to be welcomed, even promoted, by Zionism as confirming its dogma and reversing the process of assimilation.

Zionists from the beginning welcomed anti-Semitism as a means of undermining what Zionists believed was the sense of false security of Jews in western, liberal societies, and as the means by which Jews would be kept in a permanent state of neurosis.   Organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith exist mainly for the purpose of exaggerating the extent of anti-Semitism in order to keep Jews under the Zionist heel and keep the coffers for Israeli causes filled.

Zionism Promotes Anti-Semitism

Many Jews – remarkably – have continued to resist the Zionist onslaught. Among these are the Torah True Jews who regard Zionism and the establishment of a Jewish state prior to the advent of a Jewish messiah as “blasphemy.” The Torah True Jews explain the Zionist exploitation of anti-Semitism thus:

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognised that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained “we must, above all, make it an international political issue.”

Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.” In his Diaries, page 19, Herzl stated:

“Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

Zionist reliance on Anti-Semitism to further their goals continues to this day. Studies of immigration records reflect increased immigration to the Zionist state during times of increased anti-Semitism. Without a continued inflow of Jewish immigrants to the state of “Israel,” it is estimated that within a decade the Jewish population of the Zionist state will become the minority.

In order to maintain a Jewish majority in the state of “Israel,” its leaders promote anti-Semitism throughout the world to “encourage” Jews to leave their homelands and seek “refuge.”

Over the recent years there has been a dramatic rise in hate rhetoric and hate crimes targeted toward Jews…

On November 17, 2003 Zionist leader, Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, told Jews in Italy the best way to escape “a great wave of anti-Semitism” is to move and settle in the state of Israel. This has been the Zionist ideology from the beginning to the present time. “The best solution to anti-Semitism is immigration to Israel. It is the only place on Earth where Jews can live as Jews,” he said.

July 28, 2004: 200 French Jews emigrated to Israel following a wave of Anti-Semitism. They were personally greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who recently urged French Jews to flee to Israel to escape rising anti-Semitism.

On July 18, 2004, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon urged all French Jews to move to Israel immediately to escape anti-Semitism. He told a meeting of the American Jewish Association in Jerusalem that Jews around the world should relocate to Israel as early as possible. But for those living in France, he added, moving was a “must” because of rising violence against Jews there. “

Zionist/Anti-Semitic Axis

Benny Morris, professor of history at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, states of Herzl’s attitude towards anti-Semitism:

Herzl regarded Zionism’s triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe’s interests to rid the Jews and be relieved of anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be HARNESSED to his own–Zionist-purposes.[4]

Herzl’s most fervent supporters were anti-Semites. Both Zionists and anti-Semites concur that the Jews as an inassimilable minority which needs to be removed from Gentile society. Hence, Zionists have historically aligned themselves with anti-Semites ranging from those in Czarist Russia to those in Nazi Germany.

Where the supposed latent anti-Semitism of Gentiles fails to manifest dramatically, and at times when Jews are in the process of assimilating into Gentile society (as they were in pre-Hitler Germany), Zionists provoke, encourage, and even directly create anti-Semitic movements and incidents.

In the wake of the ‘Dreyfus Affair” Herzl used the opportunity as an opening for his separatism, writing his Zionist manifesto, Der Judenstaat, in 1895. Anti-Semites welcomed The Jewish State from the start. Of his publishers, Herzl noted in his Diary: “Was at the printing office and talked with the managers … both are presumably anti-Semites. They greeted me with genuine cordiality. They liked my pamphlet.”[5]

Jacob Klatzkin, leading Zionist ideologue, editor of the official Zionist organ Die Welt, and co-editor of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, speaking of Russian anti-Semitism and the “Pale of Settlement,” stated:

The contribution of our enemies is in the continuance of Jewry in eastern Europe. One ought to appreciate the national service which the Pale of Settlement performed for us … we ought to be thankful to our oppressors that they closed the gates of assimilation to us and took care that our people were concentrated and not dispersed. Instead of establishing societies for defence against the anti-Semites who want to reduce our rights, we should establish societies for defence against our friends who desire to defend our rights.[6]

The same attitude by Zionists carries through to the present-day, as demonstrated by Jay Lefkowitz, who became US Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy: “Deep down, I believe that a little anti-Semitism is a good thing for the Jews – reminds us who we are.”[7]

Herzl & Drumont

Herzl formed an early alliance with France’s leading anti-Semite, Eduard Drumont, who had been the head of the anti-Dreyfus agitation. Drumont had written the influential anti-Semitic book La France Juive (1886) and was editor of La Libre Parole. Herzl wrote of Drumont: “But I owe to Drumont a great deal of the present freedom of my concepts, because he is an artist.”[8] Herzl persuaded Drumont to review his manifesto in La Libre Parole, which he did favorably on January 15 1897, Herzl writing of this: [Drumont] “praises the Zionists of Herzl’s persuasion for not seeing in us fanatics … but citizens who exercise the right of self-defence.”[9] Writing of his experiences in Paris, Herzl stated:

In Paris … I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all I recognize the emptiness and futility of trying to “combat” anti-Semitism.[10]

In his Austrian homeland it was among the anti-Semites that Herzl also found the most immediate support. Herzl’s biographer Desmond Stewart, writes: “… Already in 1896 Austrian anti-Semites were finding ammunition in Herzl’s arguments, as would the followers of Drumont …”[11]

Max Nordau, Herzl’s deputy, expressed the affinity between the Zionists and Drumont in an interview with Raphael Marchant, correspondent for Drumon’ts La Libre Parole, stating that Zionism, “is not a question of religion, but exclusively of race, and there is no one with whom I am in greater agreement on this position than M Drumont.”[12]

Herzl & Von Plehve

In Russia, also, support among anti-Semites was effusive. Herzl’s chief ally was the Russian Interior Minister Von Plehve, whom Herzl met in August 1903. Just four months previously Von Plehve had been organizing pogroms at Kishinev. As Herzl was explaining his Zionist project, Von Plehve interrupted, according to Herzl’s own account: “You don’t have to justify the movement to me. ‘Vous prêchez un converti’ (You are preaching to a convert).”[13]

As in Nazi Germany from 1933, Zionism was given favorable governmental recognition in Czarist Russia. Von Plehve wrote a letter pledging “moral and material assistance”, which became “Herzl’s most cherished asset.”[14]

Due to Herzl’s efforts in Russia, “there was no prohibition on Zionist activities and an official permit was even given for the holding of the second conference of Russian Zionists at Minsk (September 1902).”[15]

Zionists & Nazi Germany

Without Hitlerism, Zionism might not have succeeded beyond being a fringe movement. Germany was the most unlikely source for Zionist support among German Jews. Such was the assimilation of German Jewry and its full identification with the German nation that Herzl’s original aim of having the First Zionist Congress held there had to be changed to Switzerland due to the opposition of German Jews.

Prior to Hitler, Zionism represented a minor faction within German Jewry. Whilst some Jews were conspicuous in their leadership of Marxism, communism and various anti-national movements, there was a more significant movement of German nationalism among Jews who regarded themselves as “Germans of Jewish descent.”

If some Jews had been involved in revolutionary movements designed to undermine the war effort, many more gave a disproportionate sacrifice fighting for Germany during World War I. 100,000 Jews had fought for the Kaiser, of whom 10,000 were volunteers. A massive 35,000 Jews were decorated. The prominent businessman and statesman Walther Rathenau, German Foreign Minister after World War I expressed the prevalent sentiment:

I am a German of Jewish stock. My nation is the German nation, my fatherland is the German fatherland, and my faith is the German faith, which transcends the various confessions.

After World War I, these German-Jewish veterans formed the nucleus of a nationalist movement that was not only anti-Communist but also anti-Zionist. The League of National German Jews, formed in 1921, declared:

Our way is not the way of the Zionists… of people who clearly hesitate between Germany and Jewry… of internationalist fanatics… We reject a Jewish united front, the only united front we care for is a German one…

The National Association of Jewish Combat Veterans was also opposed to both Zionism and the Left. But it was the Zionists to which the Nazis looked as representatives of German Jewry, as both Nazism and Zionism shared a common aim: opposition to Jewish assimilation. Lenni Brenner writes of this commonality of interests:

…Believing that the ideological similarities between the two movements – their contempt for liberalism, their common volkish racism and, of course, their mutual conviction that Germany could never be the homeland of its Jews – could induce the Nazis to support them, the ZVfD[16] solicited the patronage of Adolf Hitler, not once but repeatedly, after 1933.[17]

Brenner cites Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a leading Zionist in Germany who was to become president of the American Jewish Congress, in regard to the German Zionist Federation welcoming the advent of Nazi Germany as a repudiation of German-Jewish assimilation:

In 1937, after leaving Berlin for America, Rabbi Joachim Prinz wrote of his experiences in Germany and alluded to a memorandum which, it is now known, was sent to the Nazi Party by the ZVfD on 21 June 1933. Prinz’s article candidly describes the Zionist mood in the first months of 1933:

Everyone in Germany knew that only the Zionists could responsibly represent the Jews in dealings with the Nazi government. We all felt sure that one day the government would arrange a round table conference with the Jews, at which – after the riots and atrocities of the revolution had passed – the new status of German Jewry could be considered. The government announced very solemnly that there was no country in the world which tried to solve the Jewish problem as seriously as did Germany. Solution of the Jewish question? It was our Zionist dream! We never denied the existence of the Jewish question! Dissimilation? It was our own appeal! … In a statement notable for its pride and dignity, we called for a conference.[18]

Zionists Obstructed Efforts to Evacuate Jews

Several efforts were made to evacuate Jews from Europe before the situation became dire as a consequence of war. The German Government was willing to assist in the facilitation of Jewish emigrants to the USA and European countries or colonies. The Zionists rejected all such efforts as detracting from the aim of herding the Jews to Palestine, even if it meant fewer Jews would be evacuated. Israeli author Tom Segev quotes Zionist leader David Ben Gurion as stating:

I was not well versed on matters of saving the Jews of Nazi-occupied Europe, even though I was chairman of the Jewish Agency. The heart of my activity was enlisting Jewry in the demand to establish a Jewish state.[19]

Ben Gurion’s attitude towards Hitler was that: “We want Hitler to be destroyed, but as long as he exists, we are interested in exploiting that for the good of Palestine.”[20]

When an international conference was convened in Evian, France, to discuss the problem of Jewish refugees, Ben Gurion warned that opening up other countries to Jewish refugees would weaken Zionist demands that they be evacuated to Palestine.[21] Citing Ben Gurion’s Memoirs[22], Segev quotes him as stating:

If I knew that it was possible to save all the [Jewish] children in Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second – because we face not only the reckoning of those children, but the historical reckoning of the Jewish people.[23]

This was in December 1938, just after the so-called “Crystal Night” anti-Jewish riots in Germany. Ben Gurion explained: “Like every Jew, I am interested in saving every Jew wherever possible, but nothing takes precedence over saving the Hebrew nation in its land.”[24]

Segev states that the tendency of the Zionists was to see Jewish immigration as the means of establishing the Jewish state rather than as a means of rescuing Jews. Ben Gurion said that he would prefer young workers rather than old people or children; he wanted the children to be born in Palestine. Hence, during the 1930s most immigration permits were issued to young unmarried male “pioneers.” While a small number of permits were allocated to children, the Jewish Agency stipulated that these should exclude retarded children.[25] In 1936, a special fund was established in Palestine for the RETURN of incurably ill Jews to Europe, because they had become a “burden” on the community and its social institutions.

However, Europe’s Jews were not enthusiastic about going to Palestine to establish a Jewish state. Even in Poland there were few takers for permits from the Jewish Agency. Moshe Shertok of the Jewish Agency suggested creating a panic in Poland to encourage Jews to leave for Palestine.[26] Such an attitude would also explain why few Jews were accepted even into the USA even though Roosevelt was surrounded by advisers such as Henry Morgenthau Jnr.,[27] Bernard Baruch, and Felix Frankfurter.

Zionist bombs in Iraq

Zionists have continued to foster and exaggerate anti-Semitism, and this has included the manufacturing of “false flag incidents.” The following account by Zionist veteran Naeim Giladi should become widely known. It is a complete expose of the Zionist modus operandi in regards to anti-Semitism.

A particularly significant event was the creation of fake anti-Semitic incidents in Iraq to push Iraqi Jews into emigrating to Palestine. This was exposed by a former Israeli agent and Iraqi Jew Naeim Giladi, who had played a role in the operation, author of Ben Gurion’s Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews.[28] Giladi’s article “The Jews of Iraq” provides a synopsis of the operations that the reader is urged to peruse in full online, from which I quote.[29]

Giladi, as an 18-year-old Zionist idealist in 1947, was caught by the Iraqi authorities smuggling Jews into Iran en route to Palestine. At the time, Giladi was not interested in the two and a half thousand years of Jewish history in Iraq, but his subsequent assessment indicates how completely Jews were a part of Iraqi society:

Although Jews, like other minorities in what became Iraq, experienced periods of oppression and discrimination depending on the rulers of the period, their general trajectory over two and one-half millennia was upward. Under the late Ottoman rule, for example, Jewish social and religious institutions, schools, and medical facilities flourished without outside interference, and Jews were prominent in government and business.

Perhaps the scornful attitudes of Giladi’s father when he found out his son was a member of the Zionist underground was indicative of the attitude of most Iraqi Jews towards Zionism, but the situation changed:

About 125,000 Jews left Iraq for Israel in the late 1940s and into 1952, most because they had been lied to and put into a panic by what I came to learn were Zionist bombs.

With the declaration of the Zionist State in 1948, an Iraqi detachment were among the Arabs who fought against the Zionist interlopers.

In 1950, in a scenario reminiscent of the Lavon Affair in Egypt just four years later on March 19, “a bomb went off at the American Cultural Center and Library in Baghdad, causing property damage and injuring a number of people. The center was a favorite meeting place for young Jews.”

The first bomb thrown directly at Jews occurred on April 8, 1950, at 9:15 p.m. A car with three young passengers hurled the grenade at Baghdad’s El-Dar El-Bida Café, where Jews were celebrating Passover. Four people were seriously injured. That night leaflets were distributed calling on Jews to leave Iraq immediately.

The next day, many Jews, most of them poor with nothing to lose, jammed emigration offices to renounce their citizenship and to apply for permission to leave for Israel. So many applied, in fact, that the police had to open registration offices in Jewish schools and synagogues.

On May 10, at 3 a.m., a grenade was tossed in the direction of the display window of the Jewish-owned Beit-Lawi Automobile Company, destroying part of the building. No casualties were reported.

On June 3, 1950, another grenade was tossed from a speeding car in the El-Batawin area of Baghdad where most rich Jews and middle class Iraqis lived. No one was hurt, but following the explosion Zionist activists sent telegrams to Israel requesting that the quota for immigration from Iraq be increased.

On June 5, at 2:30 a.m., a bomb exploded next to the Jewish-owned Stanley Shashua building on El-Rashid Street, resulting in property damage but no casualties.

On January 14, 1951, at 7 p.m., a grenade was thrown at a group of Jews outside the Masouda Shem-Tov Synagogue. The explosive struck a high-voltage cable, electrocuting three Jews, one a young boy, Itzhak Elmacher, and wounding over 30 others. Following the attack, the exodus of Jews jumped to between 600-700 per day.

Zionist propagandists still maintain that the bombs in Iraq were set off by anti-Jewish Iraqis who wanted Jews out of their country. The terrible truth is that the grenades that killed and maimed Iraqi Jews and damaged their property were thrown by Zionist Jews.

Wilbur Crane Eveland, a former senior officer with the CIA, states in his own book Ropes of Sand, whose publication the CIA opposed, of the incidents:

In attempts to portray the Iraqis as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews, the Zionists planted bombs in the U.S. Information Service library and in synagogues. Soon leaflets began to appear urging Jews to flee to Israel. . . Although the Iraqi police later provided our embassy with evidence to show that the synagogue and library bombings, as well as the anti-Jewish and anti-American leaflet campaigns, had been the work of an underground Zionist organization, most of the world believed reports that Arab terrorism had motivated the flight of the Iraqi Jews whom the Zionists had “rescued” really just in order to increase Israel’s Jewish population.[30]

Giladi continues:

In 1955, for example, I organized in Israel a panel of Jewish attorneys of Iraqi origin to handle claims of Iraqi Jews who still had property in Iraq. One well known attorney, who asked that I not give his name, confided in me that the laboratory tests in Iraq had confirmed that the anti-American leaflets found at the American Cultural Center bombing were typed on the same typewriter and duplicated on the same stenciling machine as the leaflets distributed by the Zionist movement just before the April 8th bombing.

Tests also showed that the type of explosive used in the Beit-Lawi attack matched traces of explosives found in the suitcase of an Iraqi Jew by the name of Yosef Basri. Basri, a lawyer, together with Shalom Salih, a shoemaker, would be put on trial for the attacks in December 1951 and executed the following month. Both men were members of Hashura, the military arm of the Zionist underground. Salih ultimately confessed that he, Basri and a third man, Yosef Habaza, carried out the attacks.

Neo-Nazis Receive Zionist Backing

Zionists backing of overtly neo-Nazi manifestations has been a means of generating feelings of insecurity within “Diaspora Jewry” in the all-too-peaceful Western world. Here are several dramatic examples.

National Renaissance Party – New York

The National Renaissance Party (NRP) was one of the first “neo-Nazi” groups to emerge after World War II and one of the longest enduring (1949-1979). It ended only with the death of its leader, James H Madole.

In 1960, Joseph P Kamp wrote Bigots Behind the Swastika Spree[31] in response to the world-wide anti-Semitic activities that broke out in 1959, which even then detailed the Zionist contrivance and manipulation of neo-Nazi movements.[32] Kamp wrote his exposé in the midst of the world-wide uproar generated by the phony “anti-Semitic” vandalism that had been directed by the East German Stasi. Of course, the Zionists were making the most of the hysteria. Benjamin R Epstein, director of the Anti-Defamation League, went to Germany to discuss anti-Semitism with West German officials. He declared that the Germans need to be re-educated with a “long range education program…”[33]

“Coincidentally” whilst there was this flurry of international activity among journalists, communists and Zionists in response to the incidents in Germany, on January 26, 1960 three youths were jailed in New York after having allegedly shouted “Heil Hitler” at a rabbi, after the rabbi had approached the boys following a communist meeting protesting against the supposed resurgence of German anti-Semitism.[34] Ten days earlier three other youths had been arrested in New York for organizing a “neo-Nazi club.” They were charged with disorderedly conduct, amidst demands by the prosecutor that they should be charged with “treason,” with the possibility of a death penalty.[35]

The leader of the three “traitors” was a member of the National Renaissance Party, as were all three of those arrested on the 26th.

The NRP had its origins in a one-man effort by James Madole, which he called the Animist Party. Madole was contacted by Vladimir Stepankowsky, who offered to fund Madole. Stepankowsky put Madole in contact with others, and meetings were held in Stepankowsky’s hotel in New York. Stepankowsky prepared Animist Party literature with an anti-Semitic emphasis. Stepankowsky then organized a conference between the Animist Party and other anti-Communists. Stepankowsky even gained contact with three anti-Communist Congressmen, who were duly implicated in a “fascist plot” when the convention was exposed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).[36]

Stepankowsky, the real founder of the NRP, America’s first and longest running “neo-Nazi” group, was both a long-time communist agent and an agent for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Kamp reveals that Stepankowsky was a prominent veteran Marxist who had edited a communist newspaper in London in 1905. In 1917, he was jailed with communist revolutionary leader Trotsky in Russia. He was later deported from England for communist activities. In 1933 he was identified as a Soviet agent by the French Ministry of War and deported to Switzerland. There he became the head of what the Swiss secret service called the “Bolshevik Information Bureau” and was deported to Italy. He entered the USA illegally in 1936. In the USA, while writing for communist papers, he was employed by the ADL in 1937. In 1954, ex-Soviet spy Elizabeth Bentley exposed him as a Soviet agent. However, because he had influential friends via his association with the ADL, no action was taken.[37]

Working with Stepankowsky to set up Madole and the NRP were Gordon Hall, a.k.a. Walker and Charles R Allen Jr. Hall worked for the Friends of Democracy, at the time a division of the ADL.[38] Allen was an agent for both the Friends of Democracy and the ADL.  He had written for Jewish Life, an organ of the US Communist Party.[39] Hence all three leading instigators of the USA’s first and most enduring Nazi party were Left-wing agents for the ADL. Without these it is doubtful that the NRP would have ever existed.

When Madole broke with Stepankowsky in 1948, having discovered his communist background, the Animist Party became dormant. Madole renamed it the NRP in 1949. One of the earliest supporters of Madole’s new NRP was Mana Truhill, who issued a crudely anti-Semitic bulletin without Madole’s approval.[40] Truhill, a.k.a. Emanuel Trujillo, was an agent for the Anti-Nazi League (ANL), another division of the ADL. Rabbi Stephen S Wise, the president of the American Jewish Congress, had founded the ANL in 1933. Truhill had studied communist strategy at the Communist Party’s Jefferson School of Social Science. He was funded by ADL functionary Sanford Griffith. By 1954, Truhill was de facto head of the NRP. He was chief liaison with “Nazis,” “nationalists” and “anti-Semites” throughout the world, and wrote the NRP’s anti-Semitic literature, which was distributed via his world-wide contacts, and paid for by the ANL and ADL. He personally ensured that the NRP funds were replenished when short, with money supplied by the ADL.[41] Truhill became the first commander of the NRP’s stormtroopers, which over the course of several decades were to become involved in frequent riots with Jews on the streets of New York City. It is interesting to note that the NRP never really extended beyond New York City, which has the USA’s largest concentration of Jews. The NRP stormtroopers were equipped with Nazi type brownshirts paid for via funds provided by the ADL and the ANL. They were thus the most provocative and visible of America’s neo-Nazis, in the midst of the USA’s largest Jewish population center, until the formation of Rockwell’s American Nazi Party in 1959. It was under Truhill’s direction that the NRP used the swastika, whilst Madole’s own preference was for the lightning bolt.

According to the late H Keith Thomson, whose activity within the American extreme Right spanned decades, writing in an autobiographical series on his life as an “American Fascist” in Expose tabloid, it was Truhill as NRP international liaison officer, who would write to nationalist, right-wing and “neo-Nazi” organizations throughout the world attempting to draw extreme responses on questions relating to Jews, and it was Truhill who would distribute anti-Semitic cartoons. Thomson relates also that when his own activities were quieting he would get a “pep talk” and suggestions from “ADL master spy” Sandy Griffith, Thomson relating that he had yet to learn that the ADL acted as “provocateurs and instigators” and were “the most dependable source of funds.”[42] Thomson added:

On other occasions, Sandy Griffith, who liked the role of a sort of “campaign manager,” urged me into provocative anti-Semitism but I would not take the bait, even when accompanied by a few respectable bank-notes.[43]

Other stalwart “Nazis” who swelled the ranks of the NRP included Ruth Ross, a member of the Labour Youth League, a registered communist front; and Lawrence Sestito and Louis Mostaccio, both members of the ANL. Sestito reported directly to Arnold Foster, director of the ADL, and to Sandy Griffith. [44]

These were the fulltime workers for the NRP. There were other part-time helpers, including John Langord, who assisted at public meetings, an agent for the ADL and ANL. Langord had come from Poland on a diplomatic passport, being the son of a UN diplomat. Richard Hamel, an ADL agent, made anti-Semitic speeches for the NRP. Charley Smith, ADL agent, provided Madole with funds and advice. Even Sandy Griffith himself, under the alias of Al Scheffer, attended NRP strategy meetings to offer advice.[45]

The NRP remained on the verge of obliteration, however. This would mean there would be no highly dramatic neo-Nazi group by which the ADL could continue to scare Jews into providing funds for their “self-defense” against the imminent rise of anti-Semitism and to ensure their subservience to Zionism.

The ADL responded by prompting Sen. Velde of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA) into investigating supposed “hate groups”. The focus was the NRP. Velde had not shown interest at first, but the power of the ADL and other Zionist organizations, acting through Edwin Lucas, chief counsel of the American Jewish Committee, was persuasive. The chief investigator for the HCUA and his staff dutifully showed up at the offices of the ADL where they were fed information on this supposed rise of neo-Nazism.[46] HCUA Chief Investigator Owens then set up his staff at the offices of the American Jewish Committee where Lucas supplied the congressional staffers with further phony evidence.[47] This typical smear-mongering information supplied by the ADL and AJC formed the basis of the Velde committee’s Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist & Hate Groups.[48]

The principal target of the report was the insignificant NRP. Congressman Francis Walter, who was due to take over the chairmanship of the HCUA, “denounced the whole procedure today. He charged that the committee had held no hearing relating to the report and had not discussed the subject in executive hearings.” The NRP had virtually ceased to exist, yet the ADL/AJC-contrived congressional report farcically described the NRP as a “menace” whose “activities would destroy the very foundation of the American Republic.”

On the day after the report, The New York Times stated that its reporters had failed to find any trace of the NRP, nor had the local police and FBI.[49] The NRP was thereby brought back to life by a Zionist-contrived publicity stunt using a Congressional committee. However, what scared the ADL and AJC was that the report called for investigation and prosecution of the NRP. Such an in-depth investigation would reveal the manner by which the ADL had birthed the NRP and sustained it. The ADL now urged the HCUA to ignore the NRP, and the American Jewish Committee dissociated itself from the House Committee’s recommendation that the Justice Department indict the NRP under the Smith Act.[50]

But the notoriety resuscitated the NRP, and it endured until Madole’s death in 1979. In 1959, the NRP was superseded by Lincoln Rockwell’s openly American Nazi Party, Rockwell being more charismatic and adept at generating publicity.

Canadian Nazi Party

The Canadian Nazi Party (CNP), followed the same pattern as the NRP, and would not have existed without the support provided by the Canadian Jewish Congress. The CNP, like the NRP, existed virtually as the one-man band of John Beattie over the period 1965 to 1978. Beattie was a regular speaker at Allen Gardens, Toronto, accompanied by a handful of youthful bodyguards. None of these attracted any attention until May 30, 1965, when 5,000 demonstrators, agitated by Left-wing and Zionist organizations, converged on the park to hunt and beat any “Nazi” they could find. On this one crucial occasion when Beattie sorely needed his bodyguards he was alone. This is significant.

The day before the expected “Nazi rally,” the Toronto Globe and Mail reported on May 31, that “more than 30 Zionist and other Jewish organizations had met to plan a protest at the announced Nazi rally.” The result was a mob numbering 5,000, which converged on Allan Gardens. They included a faction estimated by the press at 500 who arrived at the park wielding bats.[51]

Beattie, decked out as usual in swastika armband and uniform, was the only Nazi who was beaten, although a preacher and a few out of town visitors somehow got mistaken as “Nazis” by the mob and were also beaten. Beattie was jailed for 6 months for “public mischief.”

Beattie had been set up. There was nothing different about this regular speaking excursion to Allen Gardens other than that he was not accompanied by his usual handful of bodyguards. These bodyguards, the few who actually comprised the Canadian Nazi Party, had in fact been working for the Canadian Jewish Congress. Three of Beattie’s activists, Ronald Bottaro and John and Chris Dingle, appeared as guests on the CBC Radio network’s “Don Simms Show” on October 20, and admitted to working for the Canadian Jewish Congress and the “N-3” “anti-racist” group. The total membership of Beattie’s Nazi Party, they said, was ten; of whom perhaps three may have been genuine Nazis.[52]

The Rhodes Avenue home where the CNP’s headquarters was located had been acquired with the help of the Canadian Jewish Congress and was chosen as the site because of its centrality where it could provoke maximum reaction[53], just as the NRP was centered in New York City. Henrick Van Der Windt, an agent for the Canadian Jewish Congress, had made the nominal down payment on the house. The Toronto Telegram[54] reported on Van Der Windt:

A man claiming to be an undercover agent for the Canadian Jewish Congress has penetrated the ranks of the Canadian Nazi Party.

Henrick Van Der Windt… was followed from a Nazi meeting…. by two Telegram reporters.

Traced to his three story home…. Van Der Windt made no secret of his supposed connection with the Jewish Congress.

“I was first involved with the Canadian Unity Party before the last war and worked for the Jewish Congress then too,” he said.

“…I don’t get paid, they just pay my expenses,” he said.

“…The Congress had got lots of good information for their money, but I don’t care if it all stops right now,” he said.

A top level official of the Congress, Sydney Harris, asked to confirm or deny Van Der Windt’s claim, would say only “no comment,” last night.[55]

It was around this time, 1965, that the Canadian Government appointed a seven-man committee to investigate “hate literature” and to recommend action.

In the year 2000, Beattie was lined up to appear as a witness at a “human rights” hearing against German-Canadian “holocaust denier” Ernst Zundel. The Canadian Association for Free Expression, whose organizer, Paul Fromm, has acted for Zundel in legal matters, wrote of Beattie’s impending appearance:

John Beattie to Expose the Nazi Party That Never Was

Monday at 2:00 p.m. William John Beattie, the former leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, will present shocking testimony to a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal inquiring into “hate” charges against Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel for a site called the Zundelsite, located in California and owned and operated by a U.S. citizen.

In the heady Spring of 1965, a 23-year old Torontonian John Beattie was on the front page of most Toronto newspapers, his every comment headline news.

Beattie will reveal that he was a dupe and a patsy, that everything from his group’s name to its major activities was suggested or quarterbacked by persons acting as agents for or reporting to the Canadian Jewish Congress. Uncannily, at the very time that the Canadian Nazi Party was being built up and just as quickly destroyed a government committee was holding hearings to propose anti-hate legislation. The Cohen Committee made significant mention of the threat posed by John Beattie. The Canadian Jewish Congress, which largely created the short-lived Canadian Nazi Party, had, since the 1930s been lobbying for restrictions on freedom of speech.

Beattie will reveal how an agent for the Canadian Jewish Congress lured him into a technical breech of the law, which landed the now unemployed, penniless Nazi leader in prison for six months. Beattie will also expose the fact that the same agent proposed legal maneuvers that were calculated to frighten and cause distress among Jews, thus heightening the “Nazi” menace, which was used as the argument for the 1971 “hate law” (Section 319 of the Criminal Code) and the subsequent section 13.1 (telephonic communication of hate) of the Canadian Human Rights Act, where truth is no defence.

Beattie is one of a number of witnesses being called by the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s foremost free speech group, in its role as an intervenor in these proceedings.[56]

For reasons unknown, Beattie failed to appear at the hearing

Bogus Anti-Semitic Incidents

Given the history of Zionist machinations in regard to “false flag” operations, the Iraqi bombings, the very similar Lavon Affair, the propping up of neo-Nazi groups, and the historic associations between Zionists and anti-Semites since the days of Herzl, it should not be surprising that Zionists have also been involved in the direct perpetration of anti-Semitic incidents, often of a quite petty nature, which are nonetheless whipped up into epochal events and exploited to the hilt by Zionism.

Following are some incidents that have been contrived to serve some Zionist agenda.

The home of the Dreyfus Affair that encouraged Herzl to make his pitch for a Zionist State, has been the focus of allegations of resurgent “anti-Semitism” to try and drum up support for Israel and increased emigration. Ariel Sharon’s remarks at a meeting of the American Jewish Association in Jerusalem that Jews should depart from France to Israel in the wake of “the spread of the wildest anti-Semitism” sparked a diplomatic row. In an article by Rannie Amiri on alleged anti-Semitism in France, an examination of some of the “anti-Semitic” incidences that prompted Sharon’s warnings found the examples to be without substance.[57] Amiri writes:

We can also glean additional insight into the claimed rampant anti-Semitism in France from Alex Moise. As head of the organization “French Friends of Israel’s Likud Party,” he filed a complaint in January [2004] after receiving numerous intimidating anti-Semitic calls and threats. In May, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported Moise was fined and received a suspended jail sentence after confessing to staging the threats himself.

Another incident of “the spread of the wildest anti-Semitism” in the year of Sharon’s remark was also embarrassing. A Jewish community center in Paris was set alight, and anti-Semitic graffiti and swastikas scrawled in red marker, reading, “Without the Jews, the world is happy,” and “Jews get out.” An Islamic group was blamed, with a message claiming that the arson was to mark the 35th anniversary of a fire at al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. A news dispatch observed:

The assumption that the fire had been an anti-Semitic attack led French leaders to speak out strongly and declare war on racism. The visiting Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom, toured the site a couple of days after the fire, condemning the attack but praising French efforts to curb a rise in anti-Semitism in the country.[58]

The culprit transpired to be a 50-year-old Jewish employee of the center. This writer recalls mentioning this good news to the New Zealand Jewish Chronicle, which had reported the incident as an example of “anti-Semitism,” but which declined to print a correction for the peace of mind of its readers. An outcry had also been caused at around the time when a 23 year old woman claimed to have been attacked by Arabs who thought she was Jewish. She subsequently admitted she had contrived the story.

The collapse of the “affair of the RER railway” embarrassed President Chirac as he prepared to give his annual Bastille Day pep talk to the nation today, with racism and hate crimes among the top subjects. …The President no doubt regrets the way in which he seized on the reported attack last weekend as ministers and the media poured out a torrent of condemnation of mindless, anti-Semitic violence on suburban housing estates. M Chirac voiced horror at the reported actions of the youths who were said to have attacked the woman and her 13-month-old child as they travelled on the RER Express Métro in the Sarcelles area. They were said to have cut off hair and sliced the clothes of the woman and daubed swastikas on her stomach with markers. The woman had told police that they had attacked her after wrongly identifying her as Jewish. They were also said to have thrown her child to the ground….[59]

In Binghamton, New York, swastikas and slogans, including “Kill Kikes” and “Zionazi Racist,” were found inside the door leading to the Jewish Student Union of the State University. The New York Times, November 15, 1989, reported that the perpetrator is the former president of the Jewish Student Union, James Oppenheimer, who led protests in condemning the vandalism.

Such bogus incidences are frequent but are usually undertaken by deranged individual Jews, rather than being Zionist organizational contrivances. However, what is notable is the manner by which Zionists will jump very quickly onto the bandwagon and exploit any such incident without evidence, to maintain the central Zionist myth of pervasive and inherent Gentile anti-Semitism, without which the Zionist enterprise would become quickly bankrupt.


[1] Bernard Lazare, Anti-Semitism: its history & causes, Paris, 1894. (London, 1967), 178.

[2] Ibid., 179.

[3] Rabbi Elmer Berger, The Jewish Dilemma (New York: Devin-Adair, 1945), 207.

[4] Benny Morris, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1999 (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1999), 21.

[5] T Herzl, The Diaries of Theodor Herzl (New York, 1962), 91.

[6] J Klatzkin, Krisis und Entscheidung in Judentum, Berlin 1921, 118.

[7] Jay Lefkowitz, New York Times Magazine, February 12, 1995, 65.

[8] D. Stewart, Theodor Herzl (New York 1974), 25.

[9] Ibid p. 251, fn

[10] Ibid.,  6.

[11] Ibid., 25.

[12] Ibid., 322.

[13] R Patai (ed) The complete diaries of Theodore Herzl (London, 1960), Vol IV, 1525.

[14] M Menhuin, Decadence of Judaism in our time, (New York, 1969), 46.

[15] Chaim Weizmann Letters and papers (Oxford 1971), Vol. II, 284. Weizman was instrumental in obtaining the Balfour Declaration in 1917, from Lord Balfour, another anti-Semite. As Home Secretary in 1905, Arthur Balfour had introduced the Aliens Act to keep out Jewish refugees fleeing the pogroms out of Britain. The Zionist HQ in Britain was called Balfour House in the anti-Semite’s honour.

[16] German Zionist Federation.

[17] Leni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, (Connecticut, 1983), 45.

[18] Joachim Prinz, “Zionism under the Nazi Government,” Young Zionist (London, November 1937), 18. Rabbi Prinz was to return to Germany in 1960 to lecture the Germans about a revival of Nazism after Stasi-orchestrated anti-Semitic incidents.

[19] Tom Segev, One complete Palestine (London: Abacus Books, 2002), 461.

[20] Ibid., 393.

[21] Ibid., 394.

[22] Ibid., 398.

[23] Ibid., 394.

[24] Ibid., 402.

[25] Ibid., 395, citing “Report of the Immigration Dept. of the Jewish Agency 1937-39, Immigration of Unfit People.”

[26] Ibid., 395.

[27] Not to be confused with his father, who was avidly anti-Zionist, as quoted above.

[28] N Giladi, Ben Gurion’s Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews

[29] N Giladi, “The Jews of Iraq,”

[30] Wilber C Eveland, Ropes of Sand: America’s Failure in the Middle East (New York: W.W. Norton, 1980). Eveland worked as a Middle East specialist for the CIA, National Security Council and State Department.

[31] Joseph P Kamp, Bigots Behind the Swastika Spree (New York: Headlines, 1960). A copy is available from this writer.

[32] Investigations by West German authorities proved that the “anti-Semitic incidences ” were instigated by the East German Stasi in order to discredit Bonn. The Anti-Semitic and Nazi Incidents: White Paper (Bonn: Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1960). A copy is available from this writer.

[33] Kamp, op.cit., 16.

[34] Ibid., 24.

[35] Ibid., 25-26.

[36] Ibid., 27-28.

[37] Ibid., 28.

[38] Ibid., 29.

[39] Ibid., 29.

[40] Ibid., 30.

[41] Ibid.

[42] Ibid., 32.

[43] Ibid.

[44] Ibid., 31.

[45] Ibid., 32.

[46] Ibid., 34.

[47] Ibid.

[48] Committee on Un-American Activities, Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist & Hate Groups (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954). Online at:

[49] Kamp, op.cit., 35.

[50] Ibid., 36.

[51] Patrick Walsh, The Unholy Alliance (Ontario: Canadian Intelligence Publications, 1986), 9-12.

[52] Ibid., 13.

[53] Presumably this means that it had a high concentration of Jewish residents.

[54] June 25, 1965.

[55] Walsh, op.cit., 14.

[56] Canadian Association For Free Expression, Press Release, November 26, 2000.

[57] Rannie Amiri, “Anti-Semitism in France, but which Semites?,” Studies in Islam & the Middle East,

[58] Verena Von Derschau, “French investigators sceptical about unknown group that claimed responsibility for the attack on Paris Jewish Center,” Associated Press, August 23, 2004.

[59] Charles Brenner, “Woman’s swastika ordeal exposed as fantasy,” The Times, July 14, 2004.