A Focus on the Revival of Statism in Russia


[1] This essay was completed as part of a graduate course titled “International Peace Research.”

[2] Dale R. Herspring (ed.), Putin’s Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain, (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003)

[3] Vladimir Putin (2007), Deutsche Welle, http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2574113,00.html, (accessed December 5, 2008).

[4] Andrei P. Tsygankov, Russia’s Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity, (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2006), 4.

[5] Vladimir Putin (2007), G8 Summit Press Conference, Heiligendamm, Germany.

[6] Andrew Felkay, Yeltsin’s Russia and the West, (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2002), 178.

[7] Vladimir Putin, Munich Conference on Security Policy, http://www.securityconference.de/konferenzen/rede.php?sprache=en&id=179, (accessed October 25, 2008).

[8] Andrew Felkay, Yeltsin’s Russia and the West, (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2002), 178.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Vladimir Putin (2000), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/01/17/poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_2000_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[11] Vladimir Putin, Munich Conference on Security Policy, http://www.securityconference.de/konferenzen/rede.php?sprache=en&id=179, (accessed October 25, 2008)

[12] Ibid.

[13] Boris Yeltsin (1995), State of the Nation Address, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[14] Boris Yeltsin (1997), State of the Nation Address, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[15] Ibid.

[16] Ibid.

[17] Dale R. Herspring (ed.), Putin’s Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain, (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003), 227.

[18] Vladimir Putin, BBC News website, “Putin urges Kosovo crackdown,” http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1392938.stm, (accessed December 5, 2008).

[19] Vladimir Putin (2000), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/01/17/poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_2000_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[20] Andrew Felkay. Yeltsin’s Russia and the West, (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002), 88-120.

[21] Ibid., 88-120.

[22] Vladimir Putin (2007), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/04/27/poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rossijjskojj_federacii_2007_g.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[23] Vladimir Putin (2002), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/02/05/poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_2002_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[24] Andrei P. Tsygankov. Russia’s Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity, (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2006), 145.

[25] Peter Wallensteen. Understanding Conflict Resolution: War Peace and the Global System, (London: SAGE Publications Ltd., 2007), 217.

[26] Boris Yeltsin (1994), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/02/04/poslanija_prezidenta_rossii_borisa_elcina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_1994_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[27] Peter Wallensteen. Understanding Conflict Resolution: War Peace and the Global System, (London: SAGE Publications Ltd., 2007), 164.

[28] Vladimir Putin (2003), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/02/05/poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_2003_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[29]Boris Yeltsin (1994), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/02/04/poslanija_prezidenta_rossii_borisa_elcina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_1994_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[30] Boris Yeltsin (1994), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/02/04/poslanija_prezidenta_rossii_borisa_elcina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_1994_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).

[31] Vladimir Putin (2002), Interview to Wall Street Journal, http://www.ln.mid.ru/bl.nsf/5d5fc0348b8b2d26c3256def0051fa20/ab5431e15c70d0df43256b5f00268928?OpenDocument, (accessed December 5, 2008).

[32] Vladimir Putin (2003), State of the Nation Address, http://www.intelros.ru/2007/02/05/poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_federalnomu_sobraniju_rf_2003_god.html, (accessed November 25, 2008).